這次要介紹的歌曲,都沒有收錄在兩張錄音室專輯裡頭,一首是because i love you,這首歌只有在演唱會中場才會出現的隱藏歌曲,前幾個禮拜他在台北演唱會中場時,就是演唱這首歌曲,該曲的節奏明快,旋律簡單,歌詞率真,雖然很多人都是第一次聽這首歌,但他馬上就把演唱會的氣氛帶到最高,加上在中間間奏時,他又隻身衝入台下人群中,使得我對這首歌印象深刻。(後來發現他好像在每場的巡迴演唱會都用這招>< 下面的影片就是他在柏林巡迴演唱時的片段)。 第二首是sugar coated,收錄在2006年發行的現場表演專輯chasing time: the bedlam sessions,這首歌沒有收錄在兩張專輯中十分可惜,該曲的旋律流暢,曲風較其他歌曲不同,或許是因為這樣所以才沒有出現在其他兩張錄音室專輯中。
because I love you
sugar coated
Album: Chasing Time: the bedlam sessions
Artist: James Blunt
Released: 2006/02/21
Lyrics : sugar coated
I'm on a bus. I'm in a rush.
I would catch a cab, but I'm not that fussed.
Another day. Another dime.
I know some might say, that I'm wasting time.
And then at night, another fight,
And I don't know what it means but I'd never cause a scene.
I'm gonna make today sugar-coated.
I'm gonna get so high I'm lying here on the floor.
It's time these shoes of mine were fully loaded.
It's time to sit back and smile.
I've had a smoke and it's been a while.
It's been a while.
Hello dawn. It's good to be.
Did I pay for the girl lying next to me?
I had a love, but little luck.
I don't bleed any more 'cause my heart's been crushed.
And now I'm free - lucky me.
Yeah my girlfriend was a bore, she don't love me anymore.
I'm gonna make today sugar-coated.
I'm gonna get so high I'm lying here on the floor.
It's time these shoes of mine were fully loaded.
It's time to sit back and smile.
I've had a smoke and it's been a while.
It's been a while.
A little hush. A little rush.
I guess now we'll see, if I'm big enough.
Finally it's only me.
Things will never be the same. There's no living life again.
I'm gonna make today sugar-coated.
I'm gonna get so high I'm lying here on the floor.
It's time these shoes of mine were fully loaded.
It's time to sit back and smile.
I've had a smoke and it's been a while.
It's been a while.
(The lyrics from elyrics.net )
I would catch a cab, but I'm not that fussed.
Another day. Another dime.
I know some might say, that I'm wasting time.
And then at night, another fight,
And I don't know what it means but I'd never cause a scene.
I'm gonna make today sugar-coated.
I'm gonna get so high I'm lying here on the floor.
It's time these shoes of mine were fully loaded.
It's time to sit back and smile.
I've had a smoke and it's been a while.
It's been a while.
Hello dawn. It's good to be.
Did I pay for the girl lying next to me?
I had a love, but little luck.
I don't bleed any more 'cause my heart's been crushed.
And now I'm free - lucky me.
Yeah my girlfriend was a bore, she don't love me anymore.
I'm gonna make today sugar-coated.
I'm gonna get so high I'm lying here on the floor.
It's time these shoes of mine were fully loaded.
It's time to sit back and smile.
I've had a smoke and it's been a while.
It's been a while.
A little hush. A little rush.
I guess now we'll see, if I'm big enough.
Finally it's only me.
Things will never be the same. There's no living life again.
I'm gonna make today sugar-coated.
I'm gonna get so high I'm lying here on the floor.
It's time these shoes of mine were fully loaded.
It's time to sit back and smile.
I've had a smoke and it's been a while.
It's been a while.
(The lyrics from elyrics.net )