這次介紹的音樂得從一段網路流傳已久的影片說起: 在美國的康乃狄克州,有一位愛旅行的電玩遊戲工程師,Matt Harding跟一般人一樣,他不喜歡讀書,自高中畢業後就沒有繼續升學,喜歡玩電玩遊戲的他,便在布里斯擔任電玩遊戲的製作,有一天他覺得這樣的生活,讓他錯失了許多外面世界許多好玩的事物。於是他便毅然而然地辭掉工作,用他在工作時所存的錢去亞洲旅行,直到他把錢花光為止。在他旅行的期間,他架設了一個個人的網站,為了方便與家人朋友保持聯繫也可以記錄他的旅行。在旅行的途中,有人建議他與其站著拍照,不如用攝影機在各景點拍下他跳舞的樣子。(下圖源自king5.com)
講了那麼多,其實這次要介紹的音樂就是Matt的第三支dancing Video的背景音樂praan,該曲是由Garry Schyman(知名的作曲家)所創作,並由住在美國的孟加拉少女Palbasha Siddique 所演唱,歌詞是用著名的詩人泰格爾的詩集(Gitanjali--吉檀迦利),用孟加拉語所寫成的詩(stream of life),優美雋永的歌詞,加上Palbascha的天籟歌聲,使的該影片的點閱率高達9,726,484次。另外值得一提的是,在第一部和第二部剪輯的影片所配的音樂是著名法國音樂團體deep forest的sweet lullaby(喜歡new age樂風的朋友相信一定不陌生)
與世界共舞--by the sky of gene
Dance Dance revolution
Where the hell is Matt
Dancing 2005
Dancing 2006
Dancing 2008
Praan-- Palbasha Siddque
Bhulbona ar shohojete
Shei praan e mon uthbe mete
Mrittu majhe dhaka ache
je ontohin praan
Bojre tomar baje bashi
She ki shohoj gaan
Shei shurete jagbo ami
(Repeat 3X)
Shei jhor jeno shoi anonde
Chittobinar taare
Shotto-shundu dosh digonto
Nachao je jhonkare!
Bojre tomar baje bashi
She ki shohoj gaan
Shei shurete jagbo ami
(Repeat 3X)
The lyrics are based off a poem.
From Gitanjali by Rabindranath Tagore (sung by Palbasha Siddique).
“Stream of Life”
The same stream of life that runs through my veins night and day
runs through the world and dances in rhythmic measures.
It is the same life that shoots in joy through the dust of the earth
in numberless blades of grass
and breaks into tumultuous waves of leaves and flowers.
It is the same life that is rocked in the ocean-cradle of birth
and of death, in ebb and in flow.
I feel my limbs are made glorious by the touch of this world of life.
And my pride is from the life-throb of ages dancing in my blood this moment.
1 則留言:
"Bojre tomar baje bashi
She ki shohoj gaan
Shei shurete jagbo ami"
"Bojre tomar baje bashi
She ki shohoj gaan
Dao more shei gaan "