
Breaking Benjamin--Rain

1998年成軍的Breaking Benjamin,該團名的由來是主唱 Benjamin Burnley 在成名之前在餐廳駐唱時不小心摔破了借來的麥克風, 該麥克風的主人在Ben表演完之後,上台說到感謝Benjamin 打破(breaking)了我那該死的爛麥克風"Thanks to Benjamin for breaking my fucking mic"(last.fm retrieved on January 28, 2008) 團名很妙的他們,沒想到它的原由更無厘頭,這樣也能生出一個名稱. 一開始Breaking Benjamin的成員除了主唱Burnley之外其他團員都不是很固定,直到Aaron Fink 和 Mark Klepaski退出了已和唱片公司簽約的 lifer樂團,加入Breaking Benjamin後班底才正式底定. 加上鼓手Chad Szdliga四位團員同樣都來自賓西法尼西亞州的小鎮(Wilkes-Barre). 該團的的曲風偏向metal的侵略性和叛逆性的風格卻又不失讓人易記的旋律.已經出過三張專輯中,個人最喜歡phobia的the diary of jane一曲,特別是acoustic 版的特別有味道,但是我一直聽不懂它副歌歌詞的意義(I will try to find my place in the diary of Jane) 當然有很多歌曲直得一聽,像是skin, sooner or later, forget it, so cold等 我覺得他們的歌不會讓聽慣流行樂的人覺得太刺耳或是太難以接受,而聽慣nu-metal或是 emo-punk 之類 的人也不會覺得太芭樂.這真是一個'穠纖和度'的團呢!哈!這次推薦的歌收錄在We are not alone 裡的 rain有別於其他首暢銷單曲那樣搖滾,,它只用簡單的幾個和弦,沒有其他樂器的伴奏,配合Burnley渾厚深情的歌聲,一樣又是一首動聽的歌曲.

Album: We Are Not Alone

Artist: Breaking Benjamin

Released: 2004/1/29

(above information and photos from wikipedia ,allmusic and last.fm)



Take a photograph, it'll be the last
not a dollar or a crowd could ever keep me here
i don't have a past i just have a chance
not a family or honest plea remains to say

rain rain go away come again another day
all the world is waiting for the sun

is it you i want or just the notion of your heart to wrap around
so i can find my way around
safe to say from here your getting closer now
we are never sad cause we are not allowed to be

rain rain go away come again another day
all the world is waiting for the sun

rain rain go away come again another day
all the world is waiting for the sun

to lie here under you is all that i could ever do
to lie here under you is all

to lie here under you is all that i could ever do
to lie here under you is all

rain rain go away come again another day
all the world is waiting for the sun

rain rain go away come again another day
all the world is waiting for the sun
all the world is waiting for the sun
all the world is waiting for the sun
(above lyrics from lyricsdownload)
