
The man who can't be moved-- The Script

Lyrics Translation

自愛爾蘭的首都--都柏林的三人男子樂團the script,今年四月左右推出單曲 we cry,也在iTune store試溫之後,又在七月中旬推出第二首單曲可說是該團的成名曲也是這次要介紹的歌曲the man who can't be moved。緊接著在今年八月推出他們的第一張錄音室同名專輯The script,除了實體的CD專輯外,也透過iTune 讓歌迷可透過線上消費購買下載整專輯。話不多說,現在就來欣賞歌曲The Man Who Can't Be Moved(下面只有歌曲和專輯封面可分享 如要看Mv請按這裡)

(the above music provided from norikanjiji0103)

Going back to the corner where I first saw you,
Gonna camp in my sleeping bag. I'm not gonna move,
Got some words on cardboard got your picture in my hand,
Saying if you see this girl can you tell her where I am,
Some try to hand me money they don't understand,
I'm not... broke I'm just a broken hearted man,
I know it makes no sense, but what else can I do,
How can I move on when I've been in love with you...

Cos if one day you wake up and find that you're missing me,
And your heart starts to wonder where on this earth I can be,
Thinking maybe you'd come back here to the place that we'd meet,
也許你就會想到要回來這裡, 我們當初相遇的地方
And you'd see me waiting for you on the corner of the street.
So I'm not moving...
I'm not moving.
Policeman says son you can't stay here,
I said there's someone I'm waiting for if it's a day, a month, a year,
Gotta stand my ground even if it rains or snows,
If she changes her mind this is the first place she will go.
Cos if one day you wake up and find that you're missing me,
And your heart starts to wonder where on this earth I can be,
Thinking maybe you'd come back here to the place that we'd meet,
也許你就會想到要回來這裡, 我們當初相遇的地方
And you'd see me waiting for you on the corner of the street.

So I'm not moving...
I'm not moving.
I'm not moving...
I'm not moving.
People talk about the guy
Whos waiting on a girl...

There are no holes in his shoes
But a big hole in his world...

Maybe I'll get famous as man who can't be moved,
And maybe you won't mean to but you'll see me on the news,
And you'll come running to the corner...
Cos you'll know it's just for you

I'm the man who can't be moved
I'm the man who can't be moved...

Cos if one day you wake up and find that you're missing me,
And your heart starts to wonder where on this earth I can be,
Thinking maybe you'd come back here to the place that we'd meet,
也許你就會想到要回來這裡, 我們當初相遇的地方
And you'd see me waiting for you on the corner of the street.

[Repeat in background]

So I'm not moving...
I'm not moving.

I'm not moving...
I'm not moving.
Going back to the corner where I first saw you,
Gonna camp in my sleeping bag not I'm not gonna move.

(above lyrics from lyricsmode ,Translated by Matthew)

Blog or not

Like jogging, managing a blog takes much patience and willpower. In the last weeks I found that my passion to blog seems to fade out.(The patience and willpower seems to be gone) Recently I haven't updated my blog for several weeks. And that could be a warning for the end of my blog. But a voice in my mind said " not again! " It reminded me that I used to start doing one thing heartily then end it rapidly and shortly. To avoid the same thing happens to me, I think I need to get my passion back and find the motive that drives me to keep the blog.(left photo from Frédéric de Villamil)

Soliloquy :

Q:Why did you wanna create this blog?
A: I like listening to the music. A personal music blog could push me to accumulate more music information and find more good and new song and know more fantastic artists or bands. And writing something could keep my brain working and prevent me from getting dull because of the meaningless and idiotic military life.

Q: But why do you not keep writing new article?
A: um... Writing a new article takes me much time, but I don't have much time to do it while I am still under the obligation to serve my country's army. Every weekend when I was home, all I wanna do is sleep and stay relaxed. For me, managing a blog is a burden. .......

Q: Did you really think you don't have enough time to keep your blog moving?
A: ...um (smile) all right, You got me. Frankly I am just a lazy blogger. I am just too lax to update my blog. All the reasons I mentioned before was just excuses. It's all my fault. No excuses.

Q: .....
A: .....

Q: So ... What are you waiting for?
A: um... I am thinking whether there is an easier way to write an article and it won't make my article shallow and none want to visit.

Q: Good start!
A: .........(considering)

Q: How about translating the dispatches from foreign news agencies?
A: um.... Sounds great!

Q: And you can add some lyrics translations of your favorite songs.
A: Wow.. it seems to be cool. In that way I can practice my translation skill and introduce them to visitors of my blog.

Q: So you can update your blog without taking too much time and they could keep you state-of-the- art on the news about music (especially western music).
A: Yeh! It seems you are more qualified to manage my blog. Why don't you write some articles for this blog!

Q: ....(puzzling)
A: ...? why not?

Q: Because I am you and you are me. Understand yet?
A: ...Wow! Sorry, I forgot that I am soliloquizing.



逛部落格的朋友想必對該標籤不陌生,有在寫部落格的朋友對這個標籤的涵義也非常熟悉(該標籤取自創用CC的使用條款一頁)。但是,我卻是最近才知道該圖示所表示的意涵以及其保障創作者的效用。以前看到該圖,總以為它只是某個部落格的貼紙或是Rss訂閱的連結,直到有一天發覺到為什麼很多部落格都有該圖示,好奇心的驅使下,讓我想瞧瞧到底是什麼樣的貼紙為何會人手一張呢? 原來阿!該標籤代表的意義是為了保護該著作的聲明。上頭所謂的CC就是creative commons的縮寫。該組織是在2001年由許多智慧財產專家及相關學者所成立的單位,成立的目的是想提供許多創作者保留其作品的部分權利,並且開放給其他人有分享傳播或再製該作品等的權利。就如同台灣創用CC的譯文(美國的CC,世界的CC)中所寫到:
面對著作權制度與日俱增而對創作產生限制的預設規定, Creative Commons 要建立一層合理、具彈性的著作權機制。
換句話說,由於他們發現到在網路的普及化後許多人對於著作權的概念越趨模糊,著作權的控制通常包含是該創作者的所有權利,進而使得其他人要使用或衍用該創作是受限重重(如 : 須徵求作者同意或是不得擷用部分內容等)。另外,創作者的作品往往在其不知情的情況下遭盜用或重製而使他人據為己有(特別是在網路上這樣的情形更是屢見不鮮)。CC便發起了著作權條款,雖然該條款無實質的法律效力,但卻可以提供法律上有效的參考資料。CC的著作條款宣明保留創作者的部分權利,並依創作者的需求開放特定的權力給其他人使用(如重製、改編、混合等)。想要引用或擷取網路上的任何形式著作(如文章、音樂、影像或是圖片等),只需依該作者所標示的CC圖章或其條款聲明連結,便可簡單又快速地了解該作品的使用權限。如此一來,不但兼顧了創作者的著作權,也使的其他的使用者可以更方便地推廣、衍用甚至混合重製,便可達到創作與使用的平衡點,完成雙贏的局面,也使的作品的發表及使用更透明公開、公正。

CC的著作條款提供了網路使用者極大的發揮空間,也保障著作人的權益,其概念迅速獲得許多國家的支持,其中也包括了台灣,許多人都把該條款翻成自己國家的語言,現在CC的觀念已漸漸普及,在台灣有一群人正在默默地推廣該條款,如吳美美、朱約信、邵廣昭、林志峰、許素朱、陳正然、黃海鳴等人在Creative Commons Taiwan的計畫主持人莊庭瑞的號召下,開會決定將CC譯成創用CC,台灣創用CC的團隊更將所以條款譯成中文並架設台版的CC網站以利推廣。許多台灣的音樂人(林強、豬頭皮、烤秋勤等)加上亞洲其他國家的CC音樂人在最近推出了一張名為卡巴卡的專輯,為了推廣CC的概念,該專輯的所有曲目標榜:受創用CC的授權,只要是非商業營利的前提下,所有歌曲可以mp3、wma等諸多形式下去散播、編制或是重混。邀請大家一起開放著作權也一起保護著作權,將自己的創作拿出一起跟大家分享。(上圖取自創用CC官網) (以上文章資訊改寫自創用CC官網中美國的CC,世界的CC一文)

這次要介紹的音樂就是由豬頭皮(朱約信)所創作演唱的歌曲"總是會出頭",值得一提的是該曲仍不改他以往詼諧嘻笑辱罵的音樂風格,歌詞更是用29種語言所寫成,歌中對台灣社會有一番不一樣的解讀和看法,聽了讓人有會心的一笑。記得我以前曾經有買過他的豬頭皮笑魁唸歌III:我家是瘋人院 的卡帶,當時和我哥聽的津津有味,覺得怎麼會有這麼有趣的歌,沒想到現在聽到他的歌曲,仍然是一樣的詼諧逗趣,在台灣像他這樣堅持做自己音樂,不跟隨主流已經不多了,個人覺得他應該是台灣最早的饒舌歌手(哈!大家應該有聽過外好汝甘知吧!)畢業於台大大氣科學系的他,不走本行反而從事另類的音樂創作,也積極地推動許多音樂文化和其信仰的宗教和政治理念(可由其歌詞略窺一二),近年來更成為創用CC授權發行音樂專輯的音樂創作者,盡心推廣CC的創作共享概念。還有,收錄在卡巴卡(CABACA)專輯中還有很久沒開過金口唱歌的林強(沒錯就是向前走的林強),以及本土嘻哈團體烤秋勤等許多亞洲音樂人的精心創作,每首歌曲的樂風都不相同,整張專輯就像是亞洲音樂的縮影,相當值得一聽。歡迎大家一起來創作共用,創造一個快樂無憂的創作使用平台。(上圖取自CABACA官網卡巴卡精裝限量版.大解剖一文)

Creative Commons 官網




總是會出頭-- 歌曲歌詞連結 (按play可聽)


Palbasha Siddque-- Praan

著網際網路的普及,以及web2.0的時代來臨,造就了許多網路名人(Internet celebrities)。漸漸地網路變成了新興的宣傳工具,許多社群網站(如myspace)常在一夕之間捧紅了很多名人或是樂團,透過影音的分享,加上網路無國界的特性,使得他們的名氣不受地域甚至是文化的影響。地球村的概念也透過網路,更加落實地突顯它的存在。(左圖來自Yahoo news)

這次介紹的音樂得從一段網路流傳已久的影片說起: 在美國的康乃狄克州,有一位愛旅行的電玩遊戲工程師,Matt Harding跟一般人一樣,他不喜歡讀書,自高中畢業後就沒有繼續升學,喜歡玩電玩遊戲的他,便在布里斯擔任電玩遊戲的製作,有一天他覺得這樣的生活,讓他錯失了許多外面世界許多好玩的事物。於是他便毅然而然地辭掉工作,用他在工作時所存的錢去亞洲旅行,直到他把錢花光為止。在他旅行的期間,他架設了一個個人的網站,為了方便與家人朋友保持聯繫也可以記錄他的旅行。在旅行的途中,有人建議他與其站著拍照,不如用攝影機在各景點拍下他跳舞的樣子。(下圖源自king5.com)

Matt便把他在各地跳舞的影片上傳到它的個人網站,讓他想不到的是,影片中他那滑稽彆扭的舞姿,讓許多網友爭相傳閱,不久之後他變成了網路名人。也因為如此他吸引了一個口香糖公司stride的注意,該公司表示願意提供資金給Matt去各地旅遊,如果他要再拍新的影片的話。這促使Matt又展開一次新的旅行,歷經了39個國家,七大洲為期七個多月的旅程,也完成了第二個影片(dancing 2006)。然而完成第二次旅行的Matt,卻又再計畫他的第三次旅行,他向Stride公司表示,之前的影片都是他一個人在跳舞,顯得有些單調,他大膽地向公司提出想再一次旅行,並寫邀請各地的朋友一起來跳舞(由於前兩部影片的流傳,使得各地許多網友紛紛寄信給Matt,因此他打算邀請這些寄信給他的網友或是當地的民眾一起入鏡同歡 ) 。於是第三次,為期14個月,途經42個國家的旅行,並且在2008年的六月二十日發表於個人的網頁上。也迅速地造成了廣大的迴響。(右下圖源自Amazon.com)

講了那麼多,其實這次要介紹的音樂就是Matt的第三支dancing Video的背景音樂praan,該曲是由Garry Schyman(知名的作曲家)所創作,並由住在美國的孟加拉少女
Palbasha Siddique 所演唱,歌詞是用著名的詩人泰格爾的詩集(Gitanjali--吉檀迦利),用孟加拉語所寫成的詩(stream of life),優美雋永的歌詞,加上Palbascha的天籟歌聲,使的該影片的點閱率高達9,726,484次。另外值得一提的是,在第一部和第二部剪輯的影片所配的音樂是著名法國音樂團體deep forestsweet lullaby(喜歡new age樂風的朋友相信一定不陌生)
(以上資料摘譯自Wikipedia以及wherethehellismatt ,部分資料參考自the sky of gene--與世界共舞一文)

Dancing 2008

Praan-- Palbasha Siddque

Bhulbona ar shohojete
Shei praan e mon uthbe mete
Mrittu majhe dhaka ache
je ontohin praan

Bojre tomar baje bashi
She ki shohoj gaan
Shei shurete jagbo ami
(Repeat 3X)

Shei jhor jeno shoi anonde
Chittobinar taare
Shotto-shundu dosh digonto
Nachao je jhonkare!

Bojre tomar baje bashi
She ki shohoj gaan
Shei shurete jagbo ami
(Repeat 3X)


The lyrics are based off a poem.
From Gitanjali by Rabindranath Tagore (sung by Palbasha Siddique).

“Stream of Life”

The same stream of life that runs through my veins night and day
runs through the world and dances in rhythmic measures.

It is the same life that shoots in joy through the dust of the earth
in numberless blades of grass
and breaks into tumultuous waves of leaves and flowers.

It is the same life that is rocked in the ocean-cradle of birth
and of death, in ebb and in flow.

I feel my limbs are made glorious by the touch of this world of life.
And my pride is from the life-throb of ages dancing in my blood this moment.

(above information adopted from Music and Lyrics)


Travis--Writing to reach you

篇文章本來已經隔很久才更新,沒想到現在這篇文章竟然隔了更久。這次要介紹的是八月初要來台開演唱會的英搖團體Travis。他們是承接Oasis、Suede後啟Cold play、Kane以及snow patrol的樂團。為了宣傳今年發行的新錄音室專輯Ode to J. Smith,七月底和八月初分別在香港和台北演唱。來自蘇格蘭Glasgow的四人樂團,其樂風以英搖一貫地憂鬱卻不失優雅,又融合了民謠的輕快旋律,佐以主唱特殊嗓音的感染穿透力,聽他們的歌就像是在進行一趟旅程一般那樣的輕鬆自在。
(left photo from http://www.wretch.cc/blog/kigura/11679177)

雖然他們在1990年代的英搖全盛時期佔有一席之地 ,但是它們一開始的歌唱生涯並不十分出色,從成軍開始的成員變動(主唱從Catherine Maxwell變到現在的Healy,更換bass手以及主唱Healy歷經祖母過世之痛),到一開始發行的首張錄音室專輯good feeling的銷售成績並不理想,只賣出四萬張,而在英國排行榜的成績從一開始最好的第九名之後,就迅速地消

緊接著在1999推出的第二章專輯the man who情況也跟上張專輯一樣,只在排行榜上曇花一現,藉著就一墜不起,連電台也很少播放。第二張專輯的主打歌"why does it always rain on me?" 甚至被NME嘲諷說如果Travis不要去嘗試悲傷和古典的音樂,那麼他們會是個很棒的樂團("Travis will be best when they stop trying to make sad, classic records" - NME)。但是一個團如果注定要紅,連老天爺都會幫他一把,就在那年的Glastonbury Festival中,上台演唱"why does it always rain on me? "時,天空便開始下起小雨,為很久沒下雨的演唱會現場帶來一陣清涼。也因為這段插曲,隔天許多報章媒體爭相報導此事,使的這首個歌被選為該專輯的最佳歌曲,連帶的第二張專輯也一口氣衝到了排行榜第一名。之後的Travis的好音樂漸漸受樂迷的肯定,第二張專輯的優雅又藍色的旋律曲風,也成為英搖後期的重要特色。這次要介紹的歌曲就是收錄在the man who專輯裡頭的第一首歌,也是我個人很喜歡的一首歌writing to reach you,該曲一推出就擠入排行榜,曲是由主唱Healy所創作,參考自oasis的wonderwall的和弦所譜成,耳尖的歌迷可以從歌詞"What is a wonderwall anyway?"發現到 。值得一提的是,該曲在2004年被加州的一位Dj與其他樂團的歌混成Boulevard of broken songs一曲,有興趣的朋友可按此前去觀賞。(裡頭出現的歌曲包括greeday 的Boulevard of broken dreams、travis的 writing to reach you、oasis 的wonderwall以及 Aerosmith 的dream on)
右上圖源自travis officalsite)

Album: The Man Who

Song: Writing to reach you

Artist: Travis

Released: 1999/05/24
(Left photo and above information from wiki)




Every day I wake up and it's Sunday
Whatever's in my head won't go away
The radio is playing all the usual
And what's a wonderwall anyway

Because my inside is outside
My right side's on the left side
'Cos I'm writing to reach you
But I might never reach you
I long to teach you about you
But that's not you

It's good to know that you are home for Christmas
It's good to know that you are doing well
It's good to know that you all know I'm hurting
It's good to know I'm feeling not so well

Because my inside is outside
My right side's on the left side
'Cos I'm writing to reach you
But I might never reach you
I long to teach you about you
But that's not you
Do you know it's true
And that won't do

Maybe then tomorrow will be Monday
And whatever's in my head should go away
Still the radio keeps playing all the usual
And what's a wonderwall anyway

Because my inside is outside
My right side's on the left side
'Cos I'm writing to reach you
But I might never reach you
I long to teach you about you
But that's not you
Do you know it's true
And that won't do
You know it's you
I'm talking to
(lyrics from craveonline)


James Blunt--Because I love you & sugar coated

久沒寫文章了!這次要介紹的是James Blunt的歌曲,相信大家對他的名字都耳熟能詳,台灣的代理公司給他取了個很妙的稱號叫上尉詩人,因為他在當歌手之前可是服役多年且曾領導過3萬人的和平部隊,服役六年的他,使得他有一般人沒有的經歷(James blunt 不但是直升機駕駛員,也是位軍中滑雪隊的隊長,當伊莉莎白王太后--Queen Mother在美國舉行葬禮他在旁負責守衛靈柩),也使的他寫歌的靈感源源不絕,像是收錄在第一張專輯Back to bedlam的no bravery就是他在科索夫擔任和平部隊軍官時所寫的歌。在2002年的十月毅然而然地結束了他長達六年的軍旅生涯,專心投入他音樂事業,他在2004年發行的第一張專輯back to bedlam獲得各方好評和亮眼的成績,不但有六項葛萊美的提名,也空降排行榜的前幾名。其中最為歌迷熟悉的莫過於you're beautiful這首成名曲。這首歌使得他成為繼Elton John之後十年來第二位稱霸美國單曲排行榜的英國歌手。然而隨著back to bedlam的成功,使得他在2007年的第二張錄音室專輯all the lost souls手到許多樂評兩極化的評價,然而個人認為all the lost souls收錄許多跟第一張比起來毫不遜色的歌曲,像是其中的1973也是James繼you're beautiful之後又另一首膾炙人口的歌曲,還有電影ps I love you 中的插曲the same mistake,以及carry you home等,也都電台播放和單曲排行榜的常客。
這次要介紹的歌曲,都沒有收錄在兩張錄音室專輯裡頭,一首是because i love you,這首歌只有在演唱會中場才會出現的隱藏歌曲,前幾個禮拜他在台北演唱會中場時,就是演唱這首歌曲,該曲的節奏明快,旋律簡單,歌詞率真,雖然很多人都是第一次聽這首歌,但他馬上就把演唱會的氣氛帶到最高,加上在中間間奏時,他又隻身衝入台下人群中,使得我對這首歌印象深刻。(後來發現他好像在每場的巡迴演唱會都用這招>< 下面的影片就是他在柏林巡迴演唱時的片段)。 第二首是sugar coated,收錄在2006年發行的現場表演專輯chasing time: the bedlam sessions,這首歌沒有收錄在兩張專輯中十分可惜,該曲的旋律流暢,曲風較其他歌曲不同,或許是因為這樣所以才沒有出現在其他兩張錄音室專輯中。

because I love you

sugar coated

Album: Chasing Time: the bedlam sessions

Artist: James Blunt

Released: 2006/02/21


Lyrics : sugar coated

I'm on a bus. I'm in a rush.
I would catch a cab, but I'm not that fussed.
Another day. Another dime.
I know some might say, that I'm wasting time.
And then at night, another fight,
And I don't know what it means but I'd never cause a scene.

I'm gonna make today sugar-coated.
I'm gonna get so high I'm lying here on the floor.
It's time these shoes of mine were fully loaded.
It's time to sit back and smile.
I've had a smoke and it's been a while.
It's been a while.

Hello dawn. It's good to be.
Did I pay for the girl lying next to me?
I had a love, but little luck.
I don't bleed any more 'cause my heart's been crushed.
And now I'm free - lucky me.
Yeah my girlfriend was a bore, she don't love me anymore.

I'm gonna make today sugar-coated.
I'm gonna get so high I'm lying here on the floor.
It's time these shoes of mine were fully loaded.
It's time to sit back and smile.
I've had a smoke and it's been a while.
It's been a while.

A little hush. A little rush.
I guess now we'll see, if I'm big enough.
Finally it's only me.
Things will never be the same. There's no living life again.

I'm gonna make today sugar-coated.
I'm gonna get so high I'm lying here on the floor.
It's time these shoes of mine were fully loaded.
It's time to sit back and smile.
I've had a smoke and it's been a while.
It's been a while.
(The lyrics from elyrics.net )


Explosions in the sky- A song for our fathers

觸器樂搖滾(instrumental rock)的第一次就獻給了來自德州的天空爆炸 (explosions in the sky),所謂的器樂(instrumentals)指的是沒有人聲或歌詞的樂曲,是完全由樂器構成全部的曲子,而器樂搖滾的主要樂器大多是吉他、貝斯和爵士鼓。其中著名的團體有The shadowsThe champs等。(左圖來自wiki)


這次介紹的音樂是收錄在他們第一張錄音室專輯--How strange, innocence裡頭的第一首歌a song for our fathers,該曲以流暢的bassline為底, 慢慢加上簡單反覆的電吉他的和弦,最後疊成一堆堆小火藥,漸層地逐一爆炸而出。低調的天空爆炸從他們的團名,就可以知道他們的音樂特性,沒有無多餘的音符,用最簡單的音樂,吸引你的注意力,觸動你的情緒,讓他們的旋律音符在你心中的天空爆炸釋出。有趣的他們的專輯名稱字數都有一定的長度,像是2007最新專輯All of a sudden i miss everyone ,而最長的非 Those Who Tell the Truth Shall Die, Those Who Tell the Truth Shall Live Forever這張莫屬。今年二月他們有來台灣表演,可惜那時還不知道他們,希望下次可以看到天空爆炸極具感染力的現場表演(ps.聽說他們從來不安可~~真是很特殊的一個團) (上圖專輯how strange, innocence的封面來自allmusic)

音速青春1-Explosions in the sky Dec.12
音速青春2-Explosions in the sky at the wall
森克.音樂er- Explosions in the sky/ your hand in mine(天空爆炸)




For you: I miss you (blink 182)

(the link from z-boys ViRuz )
The following words were written for you when I was in the army:

Being with you, I found that onion tastes so great.

Being with you, I found that purple is a special color.
Being with you, I found that silence is another way of expression.
Being with you, I found that it's so easy to make one cry.
Being with you, I found that how suffering it is to miss you.
I miss you~~~

This song is from the pop-punk band- Blink 182- that is a popular punk rock band in America.
The trio included Mark (vocal/guitar ), Travis (drummer), and Tom (vocal/bass). Forming the band on California, they were known for the catchy tunes, and poetic and rhyming lyrics and off-color humor. Their fourth album, Enema of the state, comprised many great hits, such as "all the small thing," "what is my age again," and "Adam's song"; making itself the blink 182's most successful album that sold more than 17 million copies worldwide.
on February 2005, the band announced they were going on an "indefinitely hiatus" (from wiki)
. Thereafter, the band members continued to develop their own project. Mark and Travis formed a new band called +44 that issued their debut album, when your heart stop beating in 2006, and Tom formed his new alternative rock band, angel & airways and continued to run his clothing company. This single, I miss you, was featured on 2003 blink-182 album and the 2005 greatest hits compilation. It had made many splendid records: selling over 200,000 copies, reaching #1 on the Billboard modern chart, and being #3 in Argentina over 15 weeks, etc.
(above information and photos adapted from wikipedia1, wikipedia2 and allmusic)

(above mv from

the lyrics was posted as follows(from lyrics007):

(I miss you miss you)
Hello there the angel from my nightmare
The shadow in backround of the morgue
The unsespecting victim of darkness in the valley
We can live like Jack and Sally if we want
Where you can always find me
And we'll have Halloween on Christmas
And in the night we'll wish this never ends
We'll wish this never end

Where are you and I'm so sorry
I cannot sleep I cannot dream tonight
I need somebody and always
This sick strange darkness comes creeping on so haunting everytime
And as I stared I counted the webs from all the spiders
catching things and eating their insides
Like indecision to call you
And hear your voice of treason
Will you come home and stop this pain tonight
stop this pain tonight

Don't waste your time on me your already the voice inside my head(6x)

I miss you miss you(6x)


Blur-Coffee & TV

中坑新訓的日子裡,讓我見識了許多形形色色的人,也了解到人跟人相處的互動其實是很微妙的。 意外的是,我在軍營裡並沒有想到我在上一篇文章的那些歌曲,反而在我的腦海裡響起了一首很久沒聽的歌曲coffee & Tv是由英國的獨立樂團同時也是Britsh pop --Blur所演唱,坦白講Blur的歌除了這首和他們的熱門歌曲如TenderSong 2以及boys and girls外,其他的歌曲我都不熟悉。

Blur以其迷幻及多變的曲風引領當時英國的britsh pop的風潮,創造了英搖這個新的曲風分類,為英國的流行樂注入一股新血。然而成也英搖敗也英搖,他們的知名度也隨著1993年到1995年的英搖浪潮而結束,在他們成立之初是由主唱兼keyboard手Damon Albarn、吉他手Graham Coxon、貝斯手Alex James和鼓手Dave Rowntree,在2002年他們錄製最新一張專輯think tank思想坦克時,吉他手Coxon因酗酒問題加上種種因素而退出了think tank的製作,接下來的blur變成三人團體。隨著他們的知名度下降,唱片銷售量下滑,衍生出的團員相處之間的問題,加上各個團員都有其他的計畫,所以短期之內要聽到他們的新歌,我想是很難的。

coffee & TV 的單曲也收錄在他們的第六張專輯13裡頭,這首歌是由吉他手Coxon所演唱及作曲,歌曲主要是關於Coxon自身的酗酒問題,從歌詞可看出他對酗酒所帶來的問題十分的懊悔,也表達了他想戒酒的決心。在這張專輯中由於製作是Willian Orbit的關係,所以整張專輯有相當濃厚的電子樂色彩,而這首歌是唯一接近他們早期英搖風格的一首歌 。這部MV是由一個小牛奶盒為主角,靠著它身上的尋人啟事指出Coxon已走失,所以它開始了尋找Coxon的蹤跡,途中遇到許多的危險及困難,最後終於找到Coxon完成任務,最後上了天堂 與他親愛的草莓牛奶盒會合。該mv獲得許多好評也被投票為第27名的最佳音樂錄影帶及獲得最佳mv等獎項。

Single : Coffee & Tv

Artist: Blur

Released: 1999/7/18

(Above photos and information from wiki
and allmusic)

"Coffee & TV"

Do you feel like a chain store?
Practically floored
One of many zeros
Kicked around bored
Your ears are full but your empty
Holding out your heart
To people who never really
Care how you are

So give me Coffee and TV
I've seen so much
I'm goin blind
And i'm braindead virtually
It's hard enough for me
Take me away from this big bad world
And agree to marry me
So we can start all over again

Do you go to the country
It isn't very far
There's people there who will hurt you
Cos of who you are

Your ears are full of the language
There's wisdom there you're sure
'Til the words start slurring
And you can't find the door

So give me Coffee and TV
I've seen so much
I'm goin blind
And i'm braindead virtually
It's hard enough for me
Take me away from this big bad world
And agree to marry me
So we can start all over again

So give me Coffee and TV
I've seen so much
I'm goin blind
And i'm braindead virtually
It's hard enough for me
Take me away from this big bad world
And agree to marry me
So we can start all over again

Oh...we could start over again
Oh...we could start over again
Oh...we could start over again
Oh...we could start over again

(above lyrics from azlyrics.com)


It's my turn

覺得當兵對我而言是一件很遙遠的事,沒想到這件是明天就要發生在我身上了!!!在當兵的前夕,收到了許多人的祝福,當有朋友對我說''沒想到你會現在就當兵!"這時的我都在想"喔!原來我要當兵了呢!" 這代表接下來的日子我不能自由地聽音樂、逛網路、讀自己想看的書,而要面對的是,無意義的軍事訓練,和消磨智力的大頭兵生活,但我想這也是個自我成長的好機會。
這個部落格在這一年內更新的次數會更為減少!(os:還不夠少嗎?) 在這邊也感謝常光臨本部落格的朋友們!這不是結束,只是下一個開始的過渡期而已,由於接下來的日子我都會在軍營裡度過,所以我特地選了幾首個人常聽的歌曲複習一下,把它們再次留在我腦海中,有興趣的朋友,不妨也跟著我一起聆聽這些歌曲。see you pals!
(listening by ie explorer is recommended)



(photo from allmusic)

自加州的alternative metal團incubus,主要成員是由一群中學就認識的同班同學所組成的,在他們高中畢業以前就經常在南加州一帶表演 。該團受Red Hot Chili Peppers的影響很深,從主唱總是喜歡打赤膊露上半身右手又繡了刺青,就不難發現主唱Boyd(左下圖)有點Anthony(Rhcp主唱--右下圖)的影子,再加上狂野不羇的唱歌方式,不仔細看還真的會誤以為是Anthony。

(上圖來自jorgefelipe 右圖來janesdead)

這首Drive是收錄在他們第三張的錄音室專輯Make yourself的歌曲,是他們出道以來最受歡迎的歌曲,也是第一首擠入top 10的單曲,以及告示榜的modern rock track第九名,其他歌曲如stellarlove hurtsdigmegalomaniac等,還有去年出的最新專輯light grenadesoil and water都值得一聽,這首歌的MV是仿造荷蘭藝術家M.C. Escher的作品drawing hands(下圖--來自wiki)所製作而成的,整部mv主唱Boyd從一隻手開始畫出自己和其他團員,漫畫加上鏡頭的剪接,融合了現實世界與漫畫,也讓觀賞mv有了不一樣的觀感。(above information from wikipedia and allmusic )

Album: make yourself

Artist: incubus

Released: 1999/10/29

(album photo from wiki )

(若顯示this video is no longer available請重新整理或按此觀看)
Drive (acoustic)


Sometimes, I feel the fear of uncertainty stinging clear
And I can't help but ask myself how much I let the fear
Take the wheel and steer
It's driven me before
And it seems to have a vague, haunting mass appeal
But lately I'm beginning to find that I
Should be the one behind the wheel

Whatever tomorrow brings, I'll be there
With open arms and open eyes yeah

Whatever tomorrow brings, I'll be there
I'll be there

So if I decide to waiver my chance to be one of the hive
Will I choose water over wine and hold my own and drive?
It's driven me before
And it seems to be the way that everyone else gets around
But lately I'm beginning to find that
When I drive myself my light is found

Whatever tomorrow brings, I'll be there
With open arms and open eyes yeah

Whatever tomorrow brings, I'll be there
I'll be there

Would you choose the water over wine
Hold the wheel and drive

(above lyrics from


Deep Purple--Smoke on the water

看過電影搖滾教室(the school of rock)的人相信對這首經典歌曲一定不陌生,這是來自重金屬搖滾始祖(還包括像是Led zeppelin和Black Stabath)之一的Deep Purple所演唱的。來自英國的重金屬老團雖然從1968年就發行過第一張專輯,但是團裡的成員卻是一變再變,從wiki裡列出他們前團員名單就知道該團換成員的頻率有多高了。但是這絲毫不引響他們受歡迎的程度。DP唱片銷售最高紀綠有百萬張以上的水準,值得一提的是他們也曾一度獲得金式世界紀錄中最吵的搖滾團體的"殊名"。這首smoke on the water一曲是收錄在他們1972年發行的專輯Machine Head中。這首歌除了在各大排行榜上有輝煌的紀錄外,也在許多地方以不同的方式被廣為放送,像是PS2遊戲中的Guitar hero和Xbox中的Guitar hero 2中都是可供玩家練習的遊戲曲目,還有入選為 Dreamdoor's 100 Greatest Rock Guitar Riffs裡頭的第一名(也就是歌曲一開始的那段重複的旋律),也因為這首歌的riff(即興重複段)簡單易上手卻又不失搖滾樂的音樂性,使得許多吉他的初學者都喜歡以這首歌為入門練習曲。這段riff有人更聚集了一千多人來同時演奏,企圖創下最多人演奏該曲的金式世界紀錄(這真的是很瞎的紀錄),可見該曲的影響力之深。這次除了介紹這首經典的smoke on the water 之外,也分享一下日本版的smoke on the water,看看日本人奇怪創意的一面,個人覺得一開始的演奏十分氣派也不失原曲的感覺,直到有一群老男人齊聲開口唱歌才破壞了一開始給人耳目一新的感覺,雖然他們唱的很正經,但我還是忍不住地噗嗤了一下~~
(the above information adapted and translated from
wikipedia and allmusic)

Album: Machine Head

Artist: Deep Purple

Released: 1972

(above photos from allmusic )

Original version

Japan Version

Smoke on the water
We all came out to montreux
On the lake geneva shoreline
To make records with a mobile
We didnt have much time
Frank zappa and the mothers
Were at the best place around
But some stupid with a flare gun
Burned the place to the ground
Smoke on the water, fire in the sky

They burned down the gambling house
It died with an awful sound
Funky claude was running in and out
Pulling kids out the ground
When it all was over
We had to find another place
But swiss time was running out
It seemed that we would lose the race
Smoke on the water, fire in the sky

We ended up at the grand hotel
It was empty cold and bare
But with the rolling truck stones thing just outside
Making our music there
With a few red lights and a few old beds
We make a place to sweat
No matter what we get out of this
I know well never forget
Smoke on the water, fire in the sky

(above lyrics from lyricsfreak)

Ally Kerr-- The sore feet song

Ally Kerr來自蘇格蘭西南部的Glasgow,他辨識度極高的歌曲風格是融合了蘇格蘭的民謠加上他獨特的歌詞創作,才華洋溢的他,第一張EP-- midst of storm就在世界各地的電台廣為播放並被德國流行廣播節目提名為年度最佳單曲。首張自製獨立專輯calling out to you 一發行便受到廣大的迴響 , 這張專輯裡的許多歌都是他在美國東岸和蘇格蘭西岸旅行時,在飛機上,火車上或是汽車上寫出來的。 他在日本發行這張專輯後,馬上被日本流行音樂雜誌選為年度最佳二十張專輯之ㄧ,這也是日本有史以來首張來自蘇格蘭歌手的專輯入選。大家最為熟悉的歌曲是收錄在第一張專輯裡的the sore feet song,這首歌同時也是日本暢銷漫畫蟲師的動畫片頭曲,許多人透過動畫一聽到這首歌便開始詢問這個自然又舒服的歌聲是誰唱的,隨這這部動畫的發行,也越來越多人注意到這個來自蘇格蘭的創作歌手。許多媒體雜誌也紛紛讚賞Kerr的單純動人的歌聲和憂鬱又帶點俏皮的詞曲,個人覺得其中Press Association寫的Beautifuly Melancholic, 敘述的最為貼切。Kerr也再今年二月推出了第二張專輯off the radar有興趣的朋友可前往這裡試聽新歌或其他歌曲(左上圖來自last.fm 右下圖來自All music)

Album: Calling out to you

Artist: Ally Kerr

Released: 2005/1/27

(Above information from Allykerr.com & Last.fm )

The sore feet song
I walked ten thousand miles, ten thousand miles to see you,
And every gasp of breath i grabbed at just to find you,
I climbed up every hills to get, to you,
I wondered ancient lands to hold, just you.

And every single step of the way, of pain,
Every single night and day,
I searched for you.
Through sandstorms and hazy dawns i reached for you.

I stole ten thousand pounds, ten thousand pounds to see you,
I robbed convenient stores coz i thought they'd make it easier.
I lived off rats and toads, and i starved for you.
I fought off giants bears and i killed them too.

And every single step of the way, of pain,
Every single night and day,
I searched for you.
Through sandstorms and hazy dawns i reached for you.
I'm tired and i'm weak, but i'm strong for you.
I wanna go home, but my love gets me through.

(above lyrics from lyrics.time)



對五月天認識可以從我國中開始說起,當時他們還是一個默默無名的團體,聽到他們的第一張專輯就喜歡上他們的音樂,我發現他們的歌詞很貼近當時我的想法,或是幻想和疑問。像是瘋狂世界裡的歌詞唱到"回憶多麼美,活著多麼狼狽" 或是"為什麼整個世界總要叫人常傷悲,我不能了解,也不想了解"。五月天中台英夾雜以及感情豐富的歌詞,還有阿信的獨具特色唱腔也使得他們的音樂推出第二張專輯(愛情萬歲)時馬上受到廣大的迴響,也辦了北中南三場的十萬青年站出來演唱會,那也是我第一次去現場聽演唱會,還記得那時和全場的聽眾一起大聲的唱著五月天的歌,當聽到全部的人都在跟台上的阿信一起合唱,那種感覺真的很新鮮也很享受。


Album: 人生海海

Artist: 五月天




有一天 我在想 我到底 算是個什麼東西
還是我 會不會 根本就不算東西

天天都漫無目的 偏偏又想要證明 真理
別人從屁股放屁 我卻每天每天的說要革命

就算是這個世界 把我拋棄 而至少快樂傷心我自己決定
所以我說 就讓它去 我知道潮落之後一定有潮起 有什麼了不起

常常我 豁出去 拼了命 走過卻沒有痕跡
可是我 從不怕 挖出我火熱的心

手上有一個硬幣 反面就決定放棄 嗝屁(革命)
但是啊在我心底 卻完完全全不想放棄

就算是這個世界 把我拋棄 而至少快樂傷心我自己決定
所以我說 就讓它去 我知道潮落之後一定有潮起 有什麼了不起

常常我 閉上眼睛 聽到了海的呼吸 是你
溫柔的藍色潮汐 告訴我沒有關係

就算真的這個世界 把我拋棄 而至少快樂傷心我自己決定
所以我說 就讓它去 我知道潮落之後一定有潮起 我不能忘記

無論是我的明天 要去哪裡 而至少快樂傷心我自己決定
所以我說 就讓他去 我知道潮落之後一定有潮起有什麼了不起



Home Town Hero-- Stage Fright

Home Town Hero( 簡稱HTH) 是由吉他手兼主唱Aaron Bruno以及另一位吉他手Drew Stewart為該團的靈魂人物,兩人自高中因為對音樂的樂愛而成為好友(兩人的相識是由於看到彼此身上穿的搖滾樂團的T-shirt而開始的,Aaron穿Bad religion而Drew則穿10 Foot Pole 的T-shirt),來自加州洛杉磯的HTH雖然以其豐富的流行旋律又不失搖滾的那種反叛性和爆炸性很快地在各地的比賽中脫穎而出,也獲得的他們的第一份合約並在2002年發行了第一張同名專輯,但是卻受到唱片公司(現已倒閉的Maverick Records)以及合約問題的影響,所以團員最後也紛紛另尋發展,鼓手Blanco現在the Bangkok 5,而主唱和吉他手再找小時候的朋友另組了一個團-under the influence of giants。他們三人在2005年發行了第二張專輯為Bitch city,仍以Home Town Hero為名(因合約關係),之後就正式以under influence of giants為團名(只有Aaron 和 Drew為原團員其他人都為新成員,曲風也較之前不同)。第一次注意到他們的音樂是他們收錄在bitch city的robber(該歌更收錄在MVP大聯盟的電腦遊戲的配樂中),我就是在熱血的遊戲中,聽這首爆炸性十足的歌,進而去搜尋他們的相關資料,不知是由於之前唱片公司的關係還是怎樣,發現他們的以HTH為名的歌曲相當難找,所以一直沒有辦法完整的收聽整專輯,只有聽幾首在Bitch city裡的歌曲,像是深情又動人的抒情慢歌eighteen,以及迷幻慵懶的bones和stage fright,還有在第一張同名專輯裡的重金屬搖滾的questions還有豐富的流行旋律加上合韻歌詞的bleeds in blue。每首歌都讓我一聽再聽,回味再三,可惜現在要買到Bitch city似乎是跟要民眾加入亞歷山大會員一樣地困難。這次要推薦的歌是bitch city 裡的stage fright,這首歌是輕快的旋律加上Aaron溫柔舒服的真假音轉換,這次的歌曲連接是來自於imeem網站,需要註冊會員才可以試聽完整版(很快就可以辦好了,這樣就可以聽更多好聽的音樂喔),非會員只可聽30秒,其他可試聽的相關連結如下:
(Photos from last fm and information from myspace and wikipedia )

Album: Bitch city

Artist: Home town hero

Released: 2005

You shouldve tried to explain,
Through hiding inside, so you claim,
And I'll be impressed, Im finally rested,
Send my lovin', ooh, it's the least I could do.
Allow me the ringing in your ear,
Allow me the silence that you hear,
And I'll be impressed and finally restful,
Send my lovin', ooh.
Another moment, another signal,
If you wont hold me, Ive got to go,
Under the spotlight, you give me stage fright,
If you won't hold me, Ive got to go.
Throw you a line, if you please,
Ill see you tonight, on your knees,
And I'll lead the way, you'll beg me to stay, ooh,
Send my lovin, ooh, it's the least I could do.
Allow me the ringing in your ear,
Allow me the silence that you hear,
And I'll be impressed and finally restful,
Send my lovin', ooh.
Another moment, another signal,
If you wont hold me, Ive got to go,
Under the spotlight, you give me stage fright,
If you wont hold me, Ive got to go.
Another moment, another signal,
If you wont hold me, Ive got to go,
Under the spotlight, you give me stage fright,
If you wont hold me, Ive got to go.
(above lyrics from lyricsmode )


Love Psychedelico--Last smile

Love Psychedelico (愛的魔幻,簡稱Delico)是來自日本的兩人組樂團,兩人是在大學(青山學院大學)時參加同一個音樂社團,近而組團 自己錄製歌曲,在一次的電台活動中他們的歌曲受到廣大的聽中回應,也讓他們成為淘兒唱片旗下的藝人.首張專輯The Greatest Hits就賣了兩百萬張,女主唱Kumi將日語和英語自然地融入歌曲之中(Kumi小時候在美國的舊金山居住),據wiki的介紹,他們的歌詞不像一般日本流行歌手一樣把英文夾雜在日文歌詞中那樣突兀或是令人難以理解,相反地他們的英日歌詞流暢自然又不失日本音樂特有的味道,但仍不難發現他們的歌曲有民謠和藍調的影子,他們表示受到他們都受的西洋藝人beatles 和 Led Zeppelin影響而男團員Naoki指出他欣賞的歌手有美國知名民謠歌手Bod Dylan,而Kumi則是喜歡Sheryl CrowJanis Joplin,從這也就不難理解他們的曲風除了日本音樂的元素外,更多了一些美國藍調和鄉村民謠的味道.發現這個團體,是在看Smap short films時被裡頭的背景音樂給吸引住,才發現該歌曲是Delico所演唱的last smile.雖然該團體已經出道很久(1997年組團,2001年發首張唱片),但是聽到好歌永遠不嫌晚.相信台灣有很多人早已經認識他們,聽過的朋友可以再次溫習一下,沒聽過的朋友可以跟我一樣享受發現好歌的那種喜悅和感覺. (ps. smap short films 是由smap成員演出的許多創意和無厘頭短片所集合而成的作品,裡頭有很多極短的影片令人發笑或是讓人覺得莫名其妙,有興趣的朋友可以去這裡看看)(左上圖來自love psychedlico 官網 以上內容部分摘譯自wikipedia )

Album: The Greatest Hits

Artist: Love Psychedelico
Released: 2001/1/11

(left photo from allmusic)

Last smile
Hora,dakiaeru yorokobi wa sugisarishi
I never look back again
Mune no naka ude no naka kanashimi wa
kimi to melt away
Yume de aetatte hitori naitatte
kimi wa change your way hibikanai todokanai
Aimai na tenohira de odoru tango style
Bokunara mou...
Subete tokedashita noon eni naranai Monday

I wish if I could see the light of heaven
I don't know the color of sea,but there's no reason

Unnmeisenn kara other way Sorekara ureiteru kazetomo get away
Itsudemo hanataretakutomo kimiha meno maede last smile
Tada mimamotteruyona kimino style
oh tawamure no toome na loser

Aitai kimochi ga go away Imademo nakitaku narunara any way
Itsuka wa tabidachitakutomo kimi ha mukougishi de last smile
Kureru omoide yo go away

Soutaisei kara wake up tada hitamuki na asueno step up
Ima shidai ni umareyuku image ha global I'm feeling you away
Eienn kara naru loser imadake ni todomaranai youna lover
Hateshinaku tsuzuku stage ha break down I'm gonna find another way
Sore o oiyatte boku wa hotto shite
Toki ha just as same in my dream you call my name
joke it like it you use to babe
Uso ni nuretatte tsumi ha kienai owannnai
it's so heavy

I wish if I could see the light of heaven
I don't know the color of sea, but there's no reason

Seimeisenn kara other way sorekara ureiteru yume tomo get away
Itsudemo musubaretakutomo kimi wa meno mae de last smile
Tada tomadotteruyona kimi no style
oh itaike de toome na loser

Aitai kimochi ga go away Imademo nakitaku narunara any way
Itsuka ha tabidachitakutomo kimi ha mukougishi de last smile
Yureru omoide yo go away

I wish if I could see the light of heaven
I don't know the color of sea, but there's no reason
I wish if we are in the light of heaven
don't go away...


(ps. 由於是日文歌曲所以大部分歌詞是羅馬拼音,如有不便敬請見諒)

(above lyrics from


IMPACT Repertory Theatre-- Raise It up

次要介紹的是電影把愛找回來(August Rush)的原聲帶, 這部電影的劇情雖然有點誇張,又有點矯情,但在春節將近的日子裡,是很適合闔家觀賞的親情兼愛情片,劇情大致是描寫一個從小在孤兒院長大的音樂神童,如何靠著他過人的信念和驚人的音樂天賦,在茫茫的人海中用音樂找到自己的親生父母親的故事. 姑且不論它的故事好壞,個人覺得它裡頭的音樂是值得推薦的,電影裡有許多情節,透過了背景音樂的烘托,加深了電影本身劇情的輪廓,從一開始小男孩Evan就說到''音樂無所不在,只要你用心聆聽'' (Music is everywhere, all you have to do is listening)就預告了電影裡的許多有形無形的音符穿插在故事中,透過Evan的耳朵,就連汽車的喇叭聲,滑板聲甚至是地鐵聲,都是一段指引他前進的奇妙音樂.聽這張原聲帶,就彷彿是在"聽"一場電影一樣. 裡頭令我印象最深刻的是Evan在躲避警察追捕而在哈林區亂逛時,受到教堂裡歌聲的吸引而闖進了教堂,意外地欣賞了美妙的一曲(raise it up), 它是一首很標準的黑人福音歌曲,簡單的鋼琴伴奏,加上黑人天生渾厚札實的嗓音,以及隨性又不失和諧的自然合聲,它的歌詞也充滿了勵志勉人字句. 這首歌曲的出現我覺得比之前其他樂器呈現的音樂更令人震撼,雖然這樣的福音歌曲大同小異,但它短短的兩分多鐘,讓我感到人聲與樂器的和諧,還有聲音與聲音之前的共鳴. 演唱這首的是美國紐約哈林區的IMPACT repertory threatre團體以及主唱Jamia Simone Nash小女孩.IMPACT是非營利的黑人團體,主要是利用音樂或藝術表演回饋社會以及提供青少年的領導訓練,來幫助和提供機會給未來可能成為各領域領導人的青年,特別是非裔的美國青年.該團體經常在附近的社區,大學,教堂,或是收容所表演.在歌曲中,小女孩Jamia有著超齡的成熟嗓音和熟練的唱腔,原來阿她也是一位小神童呢!它在兩歲的時候就在音樂表演節目嶄露頭角,後來也成為演員,看來前途不可限量! 

除了raise it up之外還有許多令人驚艷的曲目像是,名女吉他演奏者Kaki King Bari Improv. 也就是劇中小男孩第一次碰吉他就彈出的驚人樂曲;以及一開始小男孩的父母親還未相遇前各自在不同的音樂領域中表演的背景音樂融合成Bach & Break一曲,附帶一提,片中飾演小男孩生父的Jonathan Rhys Meyers, 在電影中是不假他人之聲,自己演唱劇中的歌曲,我覺得他的演唱,相當出色完全感覺不出他是演員和時尚模特兒,我想可能源自於他父親的音樂家血統. 這張August Rush OST值得一聽, 有興趣的朋友可去他們的官網看看!

Album: August Rush OST

Released: 2007/11/3

(Above information and photos adopted from Impact Repertory Theatre, Celebrtywonder , and wikipedia)

Raise it up

No father figure in the house
and i'm wonderin' how i'm gonna work it out

oh my friends keep on tellin' me how i don't need that man but they don't really understand

there's far too many presures in reality but dealing with the pain and stress and poverty
and i gotta be myself because there's nobody else for me (ohhhh)

(heading there with me)sometimes it takes a different kind of love to raise a child
(so don't give up)so don't give up
(when presures come down)sometimes it takes a different kind of dream to make you smile
(so raise it up)so raise
(hang in there with me)sometimes we need another helping hand to show the ways
(so don't give up) so don't give up
(when presures come down)sometimes it seems inpossible and that's why we pray
(so raise it up) we raise

[HOPE] seems to be nothing left for me mommas gone daddy didnt wanna be and now im all by myself wonderin where is love or
should i just give up

life falls down on me, cuts into my soul but i know i got the strength to make it throgh it all cause im still standin tall
breaking throgh this wall im gonna give my all

[HOPE] feelin like a motherless child hankered into my soul its bringing me down cant find my smile on a face of a
motherless child
im gonna break down these walls gonna give it my all ya know
yeah yeah yeah yeahhhh
(hang in there with me)sometimes it takes a different kind of love to raise a child
(so dont give up)so dont give up
(when pressures come down)sometimes it takes a different kind of dream to make a smile
(so raise it up) so raise it up
(hang in there with me) raise it up
sometimes it takes another helping hand to show you the way
(so dont give up, when presures come down)
[HOPE] sometimes it seems impossible thats why we pray
(Above lyrics from STlyrics)