
Let's Join the Balck Parade !

(Photo from allmusic)
繼去年Linkin Park (lp)來台開唱後, 今年1/27在台大綜合體育館將要舉辦My Chemical Romance (MCR)的巡迴演唱會. 這無疑是台灣搖滾歌迷的一大福音!我第一次聽到MCR的歌是three cheers for sweet revenge I'm not okay. 原本對嘶吼鬼叫的音樂還不習慣的我,聽這首歌時,我不自覺地跟著哼唱起來,甚至情不自禁地想要隨著它的歌詞大聲喊出I am not okay! Did you really listen to me? 主唱Gerard Way用歇斯底里的唱法來詮釋歌曲,聽來似乎跟 LP 主唱的Chester有異曲同工之妙,但是兩團的曲風卻又截然不同, LP的曲風較多元,結合饒舌和搖滾,還有其他不同的音樂元素像是電子樂等. mcr 是在2001年成軍,第一首歌是由Way和鼓手Matt Pelissier(後來2004年鼓手換成Bryar)一起寫的 skylines and turnstiles, 這首歌的靈感主要是由於主唱當時在紐約工作時,親眼目睹了911事件,他看到雙子星大樓在他面前倒塌. 由於受到恐怖電影和漫畫的影響,該團的風格十分明顯,尤其是主唱死白的臉和黑色的服裝,還有專輯的封面或是歌詞總是充滿故事性和戲劇性,並含有奇幻及陰森的風格.我個人比較喜歡2006年的The black parade, 整張專輯就跟他的名稱一樣灰暗,從它的曲目名稱可見端倪像是Cancer, i don't love you 和disenchanted. 其中的主打歌welcome to the black parade聽起來就像是在聽一個故事一樣.可惜youtube上的mv的作者不提供內嵌的服務,有興趣的朋友可前往 MV --welcome to the black parade 觀賞.
(above information from wikipedia and allmusic)

(photo from wikipedia)

Artist: My Chemical Romance
Album: The Black Parade
Released: 2006/10/24


"Welcome to the Black Parade "

When I was a young boy,
My father took me into the city
To see a marching band.
He said,
"Son when you grow up, will you be the saviour of the broken,
The beaten and the damned?"
He said
"Will you defeat them, your demons, and all the non believers, the plans that they have made?"
Because one day I leave you,
A phantom to lead you in the summer,
To join the black parade."

When I was a young boy,
My father took me into the city
To see a marching band.
He said,
"Son when you grow up, will you be the saviour of the broken,
The beaten and the damned?"

Sometimes I get the feeling she's watching over me.
And other times I feel like I should go. Through it all, the rise and fall, the bodies in the streets.
When you're gone we want you all to know We'll Carry on,
We'll Carry on
Though your dead and gone believe me Your memory will carry on
Carry on
We'll carry on
And in my heart I cant contain it
The anthem wont explain it.

And we will send you reeling from decimated dreams
Your misery and hate will kill us all
So paint it black and take it back
Lets shout it loud and clear
Do you fight it to the end
We hear the call to

To carry on
We'll carry on
Though your dead and gone believe me Your memory will carry on
We'll carry on
And though you're broken and defeated You're weary widow marches on

And on we carry through the fears
Ooh oh ohhhh
Disappointed faces of your peers Ooh oh ohhhh
Take a look at me cause
I could not care at all Do or die
You'll never make me
Cause the world, will never take my heart
You can try, you'll never break me
Want it all,
I'm gonna play this part
Wont explain or say i'm sorry
I'm not ashamed,
I'm gonna show my scar
You're the chair, for all the broken Listen here, because it's only..
I'm just a man,
I'm not a hero
Just a boy, who's meant to sing this song
Just a man,
I'm not a hero
I -- don't -- care
Carry on
We'll carry on
Though your dead and gone believe me Your memory will carry on
We'll carry on
And though you're broken and defeated You're weary widow marches on
We'll carry on
We'll carry on
We'll carry on
We'll carry
We'll carry on
(above lyrics from completealbumlyrics)
