
Jack Johnson--If I Had Eyes

2006年的好奇喬治後,Jack Johnson預計在今年二月要出第五張錄音室專輯了,喜歡它的歌迷有福了,現在已經可以預購了.在去年年底,先推出了首張單曲If I had eyes來滿足樂迷的耳朵.較上張專輯不同的是新專輯Sleep through the static的吉他伴奏採用較多的電吉他(electric),不像以往的木吉他(acoustic)伴奏,但是在我聽來這首單曲仍然是jack Johnson的風格,聽起來還是一貫地慵懶舒服,聽他的歌曲好像夏日午後躺在樹下的搖床上聽著海浪拍打的聲音一樣悠閒舒適.

上網查了一下他的生平發現他真的是一個能文能武的人才呢!他不但是位歌手,還會自己寫歌,而且還是個電影製作人和專業的沖浪者呢!原來阿,他是個道地的夏威夷人, 所以他從小就跟著父親的好朋友一起學衝浪,後來他變成了專業的沖浪者(曾參加專業比賽獲的冠軍喔!),然而他在聖塔芭芭拉的加州大學是讀書時,主修電影,所以他也曾拍過衝浪的紀錄片還有得獎呢!然而也因為製作電影的配樂,他也開始自己創作寫歌,這使的他的音樂才華逐漸展露(從十四歲就開始彈吉他),從一開始的電影配樂到後來錄製了許多的專輯,其中又以好奇喬治最為暢銷,在發行的第一個禮拜就超過163,000張,擠進告示榜前兩百名,但我想台灣對他印象最深刻的應該是收錄在In Between Dreams中的Good People. 這次的單曲if i had eyes沿襲他一貫的明快舒服的曲風,喜歡他的歌迷相信不會錯過的!!

(Above photos and information extracted and translated from Wikipedia and allmusic )

Album: Sleep Through The Static

Artist: Jack Johnson

Released: 2008/2

if i had eyes

If I had eyes in the back of my head
I would have told you that
You looked good
As I walked away

And if you could've tried to trust the hand that fed
You would've never been hungry
But you never really be

The more of this or less of this or is there any difference
or are we just holding onto the things we don't have anymore

Sometimes time doesn't heal
No not at all
Just stand still
While we fall
In or out of love again I doubt I'm gonna win you back
When you got eyes like that
It won't let me in
[If I Had Eyes lyrics on http://www.metrolyrics.com]

Always looking out

Lot of people spend their time just floating
We were victims together but lonely
You got hungry eyes that just can't look forward
Can't give them enough but we just can't start over
Building with bent nails we're
falling but holding, I don't wanna take up anymore of your time
Time time time

Sometimes time doesn't heal
No not all
Just stand still
While we fall
In or out of love again I doubt I'm gonna win you back
When you got eyes like that
It won't let me in
Always looking out
Always lookin

(lyrics from metrolyrics)

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